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Bart Strata Levy Payment Options


Your levy notice can be paid using ANY OF the following OPTIONS:


Pay by Credit or Debit card online by using Westpac’s simple and secure online payment system Westpac PayWay.
(surcharge fees apply for Visa and Mastercard credit cards)

To pay by Credit or Debit card over the phone call 1300 885 175 and enter Biller Code 260109
You will need your 14 digit reference number found in the payment section of your Levy Notice.


Pay with BPAY directly from your online banking using Biller Code 295824
Your 14 digit reference number can be found on the payment section of your levy notice.

To pay with BPAY:

  1. Look for the distinctive BPAY logo on your bills.

  2. Log on to your Internet or mobile banking site, or call your phone banking service.

  3. Select the BPAY or bill payment option and then follow the simple instructions.

  4. Decide the amount you’d like to pay and the payment date.

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Pay by Cheque.
All cheques are made payable to the “The Owners - Strata Plan No XXXX
(*XXXX - Enter your building’s Strata Plan Number)

Please send your cheque along with a copy of the payment section of your levy notice containing your unique reference numbers to
Bart Strata Pty Ltd, Po Box 95, Alexandria NSW 1435.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need assistance in making your levy payment.